The Salem Rotary Club had another evening meeting, this time at the Real Pirates Salem. Rotarians had the opportunity to see the world’s only fully authenticated pirate treasure ever discovered – including coins, jewelry, and weapons – retrieved from the wreck of the Whydah, and last touched by the hands of pirates more than 300 years ago.
Salem Rotarians explored the Discovery Lab where everyone had the opportunity to dive into the preservation process of these artifacts. It also served as the gathering spot for Rotarians to socialize and eat. It had the only actual example in the world of a pirate's gun. Rumor has it that several Rotarians became Real Pirates through the complimentary photo experience.
Carolyn Shapiro led tours and spoke about the history of the museum. Bill Golden spoke of the egalitarian spirit among the pirates on board the Whydah and how that same spirit can be found in the Salem Rotary. A wonderful time was had by all.
The food selections itself reflected the trip of the Whydah with items inspired by the various stops of the ship on its journey, such as fruit from Jamaica and chowder from New England. Everything was delicious. Joel, a family friend of the Shapiro's, worked the night as our server ensure that the wine was flowing. As was the beer until it ran out!